Fear Stopped Her In Her Tracks From Living Her Passion – Until She Realized Too Much Humility Is Toxic

Episode 36 – An Interview with Paige Tucker


Click Here To Listen To This Be Brave Podcast Interview


Paige Tucker has been a super high achiever her entire life. Being forced to grow up fast, allowed her to find her true voice at the young age of 7.  At 9 years old she was caring for 3 children under the age of 5. 


In her late teens and early 20’s, as a single young woman, she worked 2-3 jobs. Her friends would tell her, “Girl, you are working like you have 5 children and a husband at home to take care of.”


Her statement from her struggle, “If my parents don’t love me the way I think they should, why would the rest of the world?” Hit us right in the heart.  A message and false belief so many of us have/had.


At 23 years old, Paige had her confidence, her first client lined up and set up her very own LLC to start her very own business. But, when Fear paid her a visit, she froze and did not start her business.  


For the first time in public, Paige shares her “generational curse”  with us and how she was motivated to end it.  Listen Here


Her story is of struggle and triumph. In this podcast, you will learn how Paige turned off the “Who do you think you are?” voice and started her business anyway.  


Listen and learn why Paige says too much humility can be toxic. Please leave a comment, we would love to hear from you!

You can find Paige @PaigeTuckerInc @BeYourBestYouLLC www.PaigeTucker.com and www.BeYourBestYouLLC.com

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