Her Family Wanted To Keep Her In A State Of Disability – Episode 34

Listen here   At the young age of 4 years old, Amber Weir was told she would be blind by the time she was 13. Her family seemed to have some kind of secondary gain to Amber’s disability.   Unable to ask questions or get the help she would need to be prepared for this… Continue reading Her Family Wanted To Keep Her In A State Of Disability – Episode 34

Episode 6: Interview with Christy whose life-long hearing loss wasn’t detected until age 11.

At the age of 11, Christy was told two incredible things: 1. she had hearing loss (probably since birth) and 2. she’d taught herself to read lips without even knowing it. Christy shares her story of embarrassment, in how she found out about her hearing loss; strength, as she learned to manage that loss without… Continue reading Episode 6: Interview with Christy whose life-long hearing loss wasn’t detected until age 11.

Categorized as Disability