Listen to Your Intuition to Get What You Really Need – Episode 31

Sabita is a Holistic Health Counselor with a passion to bring integrative health in a friendly, nurturing and private atmosphere that allow people to feel good and get better fast.    As a young woman, she suffered from endometriosis and struggled to get answers from her doctors about her health.  Since then, she has been… Continue reading Listen to Your Intuition to Get What You Really Need – Episode 31

Episode 9: An Interview with Taelor who was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 16 and cured herself by her early 30s.

Taelor’s active teenage years playing volleyball came to a sudden end when she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) at age 16.  For the first few months, she saw significant changes in her body and was scared that she would never be the same.  However, with her parents’ support, a strong belief in herself, a… Continue reading Episode 9: An Interview with Taelor who was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 16 and cured herself by her early 30s.