Episode 11: Interview with Maria who was wrongly accused of child-trafficking in a foreign country.

In the early and mid-2010s, Maria was actively supporting an orphanage in Argentina. She worked several jobs and gave a lot of her own money to the orphanage to purchase personal items, books, vehicles, computers, and other things needed by the children and the staff to run the facility and the programs they offered. She also gave a lot of her time, visiting often, and getting to know the staff and the children. They were like family to her. But in 2018, things changed. The Argentinian government became skeptical of what Maria was doing, thinking she was part of a child-trafficking ring. She spent the next six months fighting to defend the work she had been doing and trying to keep herself out of jail.
In this episode, Maria talks about her mission to continue her work to support orphans who are aging out of the system. She talks about feelings of betrayal and fear, and also about her hope and determination.


Click here to listen.

For more information about Maria’s mission and Humanity del Sol, please go to www.humanitydelsol.org.

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